Living a few blocks from George Floyd Square,
I find myself going back to 2020 frequently. What happened? How did we get here?
For those living outside my neighborhood, a different set of questions oftentimes came my way:
What is it like living in your neighborhood? or Are you and your kids safe?
My response was rather simple.
I saw the absolute worst. And I experienced the very best.
I saw humanity and community up close and personal, in all its brokenness, ugliness, and beauty.
And beauty.
While our neighborhood is much quieter again, we will never be the same. What happened on our streets changed us. It shaped us. It brought us together, made us more resilient. We’ve seen the darkest hours, but there’s a hope that brightens our front porches and sidewalks, our back alleys and side streets.
We are Powderhorn.
As we work with churches in the midst of reimagining themselves and their space for the flourishing of their neighbor, we place a ton of time and energy unearthing the soul of their faith community, working to help churches understand who they are.
Not who they want to be.
But who they are currently, examined through the lens of where they have been and what has shaped them.
We cannot move forward if we first don’t know where we are.
Soul work defines our starting point so we can move forward toward flourishing with clarity, confidence and courage.
With Hope,